
GBGBR_PandyWhat is Rescue?
Occasionally someone finds that they cannot or do not wish to continue sharing their home with a Newfoundland dog.  In other cases, concerned individuals report an animal in need to animal control personnel who intervene and take control of the dog that needs help.  The Newfoundland Club of America and some of its affiliated Regional Clubs as well as a few private charity organizations provide services that take in and find permanent homes for these dogs

What happens to these dogs?
They are placed in foster homes where they are evaluated for health and behavior problems and then placed in permanent homes.  Permanent homes are selected based upon the best interests of the dog.  For instance, a dog that has a problem with small animals would never be placed in a home with cats or rabbits.

Who takes care of these dogs?Lance_flip
There are many organizations that take in Newfoundlands in need of a home.

The Newfoundland Club of America Rescue Network will also work with individuals or other rescue groups to ensure that every Newfoundland dog in need of a home can find one. You can find out more here on their website.

You may also find other dogs in need of a home at your local rescue shelters, so stop in, introduce yourself. Some maintain a list of folks looking for a specific breed or size, etc.