
So you think you want a Newfoundland puppy? Where can you find one?
That puppy at the pet store is just the cutest thing. And they are offering a big discount. Or you saw the ad on Craigslist and they are selling puppies for half of what you heard “Breeders” were asking.

What could go wrong, right?
There is a lot that can go wrong. That cute puppy at the pet store almost certainly came from someone who is breeding puppies for profit and it had limited socialization before it got to the store and that discount could be because the puppy is getting too big and will lose his ‘cuteness’ in a few weeks and in the mean time he is eating his way into the store’s profits, so that is the “dump that big dog” discount. Newfoundlands are big dogs and they can have big health problems, which can cost thousands and thousands of dollars to treat. Do you want the heartbreak and anguish of losing a dog to a health related problem just when he has become a beloved family member?  Did that family selling on Craigslist spend the money to ensure the puppies’ parents had good hearts and hips? Have the puppies had their hearts checked?
Does that mean that the dog listed on Craigslist or in the pet store will always have problems? No, but your chances are much better with a breeder recommended by someone you know or by a group that is interested in protecting the breed.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) “Responsible breeders are individuals who have focused their efforts on one or a select few breeds and through breeding, historical research and ongoing study, mentoring relationships, club memberships, showing, raising and training of these breeds have become experts in their health, heritable defects, temperament and behavior. Responsible breeders are well suited to educate and screen potential buyers/adopters and provide follow-up support after purchase or adoption. Responsible breeders take lifetime responsibility for the animals they have bred.”
They care about what they do, not for money, but for the love of the breed. The reason that the dogs they place cost more than that dog on Craigslist, is they have invested their money in ensuring that they can provide the best puppies possible that will improve the traits of their breed.
You owe it to yourself and your family to spend time researching not only the Newfoundland breed, but the people who are trying to find the best homes for their puppies. The initial cost of a puppy is a small part of the money you will spend on a dog during its lifetime. Take some time to investigate. Check references.  The Newfoundland Club of American has information on how to do your research.

Have a question about Newfoundlands?  Ask a person from your region who knows.  The Newfoundland Club of America has recruited knowledgeable members to provide the answers. 
You can find one here: NCA Breed Ambassadors. And they now have access to an online list of available puppies.

Other Resources

Penn-Ohio does not maintain a list of club members who are breeders. You will find several PONC members on the Breeder’s List of the Newfoundland Club of America.