Conformation in dogs refers solely to the externally visible details of a dog’s structure and appearance, as defined in detail by each dog breed’s written breed standard. A dog that conforms to most of the items of description in its individual breed standard is said to have good conformation.
… conformation in dogs is based on the dog type from which the breed developed, along with many details that have been added to the breed standard for purposes of differentiation from other breeds, for working reasons, or for enhancing the beauty of the animals from the viewpoint of the fanciers who wrote the breed standards. (from Wikipedia)
Conformation shows, also referred to as breed shows, are a kind of dog show in which a judge familiar with a specific dog breed evaluates individual purebred dogs for how well the dogs conform to the established breed type for their breed, as described in a breed’s individual breed standard. A conformation dog show is not a comparison of one dog to another but a comparison of each dog to a judge’s mental image of the ideal breed type as outlined in the individual breed’s breed standard.(from Wikipedia)
The best way to learn about a breed of dog is to talk to the folks that own, show and breed. They are generally just regular folks that work for living and consider their dogs part of the family and dog showing a hobby. So where do you find them? At a dog show. Follow the links below to learn what goes on and to find a dog show near you.
Things you should know about conformation.

Newfoundland Dog Standard
Conformation Dog Shows
Bitch is not a dirty word! Terms to learn
Newfoundland Club of America – Conformation
Find a dog show
American Kennel Club Shows
United Kennel Club
Moss-Bow Dog Show Superintendent
Interested in Showing your Newfoundland?
Getting Started Showing
Take a Class on Handling your dog
Beaver Country Kennel Club – Beaver, PA
Medina Kennel Club – Medina, OH
Youngstown All Breed Training Club, North Jackson, OH (Youngstown)
Mountaineer Kennel Club, Morgantown, WV

Not sure you are up to the task of showing your dog yet?
Find a professional handler
Whoever takes your dog in the show ring, they have to look their best
Trimming Ears, Feet & Hocks
Not sure where the hocks are? Try this online book.
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